Published more than 35 articles in refereed international/ national journals, conference proceedings, book chapters etc. Some important publications are:
- "A framework for Identification of Opportunities for Agribusiness and Agripreneurship in India", Journal of Management Research and Analysis, Vol 4, No. 1, 30-34, 2017.
- 'Sustainable Management of Water Scarcity in the Asia-Pacific Region Using Virtual Water Trade through Agricultural Products', Palawija, 30(3), 1-5. Centre for Alleviation of Poverty through Sustainable Agriculture, UN ESCAP, Indonesia., Dec 2013.
- "Efficiency in Agricultural Commodities Futures Markets in India: Evidence from Cointegration and Causality Tests”, Agricultural Finance Review, Vol 71(2), 162-178, 2011.
- "Water Footprint of India and Implications for International Trade of Food Products", South Asia Economic Journal, Vol. 9 (2), 419-433, 2008.
- "An Institutional Framework for Meeting International Food-Safety Market Standards from a Developing Country Perspective", Journal of Food Distribution Research, Vol. 39(1), 78-83, 2008
- "Structural Analysis and Performance of Indian Agricultural and Allied Sector in International Trade", Journal of International Business and Economics, Vol 7 (3), 35-53, 2007.